Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Curry leaves Tea/Kadi pata chai /Weight loss tea

Curry leaves tea

Hi everyone 

Today I am sharing one miracle tea recipe that keeps you younger forever. Curry leaf is ideal for your healthy skin and lustrous hair.
Cury leaves have also many more medicinal properties that keep people away from disease.

Let take a look at the recipe:

Ingredients :
  • fresh curry leaves
  • 2 cups of water
  • cinnamon
First, take 2 cups of water in a pan. Then put some fresh curry leaves in it. Let the water boil for 5 minutes or until the bubbles comes to rise. Then put a stick of cinnamon in it. It is optional. Then put the lid on of it. Wait for 10 minutes. Water becomes greenish in color. Then strain it and serve lukewarm. One can use honey but completely optional.

Benefits of Curry Leaves:

  • weight loss: it helps in weight loss very fast because it helps to increase your metabolic rate.
  • digestion: it helps to improve your digestion level or digestive system.
  • diabetics: it is a miracle for diabetics patients. It maintains your diabetics level well.
  • hair growth: it helps to care and nourish hair naturally. It's a great remedy for your daily hair related problems.
  • skin health: curry leaf is a good source of vitamins and minerals. So it is great to drink to consume. It makes your skin glowing and nourished.
  • mental health: it keeps your mood fully active and stress-free.

Curry leaves contain carbohydratesfibercalciumphosphorousirons,

and vitamins 
like vitamin Cvitamin Avitamin Bvitamin E, curry leaves help your heart function better and keeps you stress-free. It helps to make skin and hair health better.

it helps to grow hair rapidly and makes skin glowingYou can consume this early morning before for a minimum of 15 can see the value of it in our lives.

Thank you all.

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