Saturday, July 18, 2020

Fat Burning green tea recipe /Homemade Weight Loss Tea/ Instant belly fat losing tea

Hi everyone,

               Today I will share with you a homemade weight loss tea. Nowadays I am using this recipe for instant losing belly fat and this is awesome. let's see how to make it.....


  •    water
  •    green tea
  •    ginger
  •    lemon

            Process step by step:

               First, take 2 cups of water in a Saucepan. Boil the water in a very high flame. After the bubbles came put one teaspoon of green tea in it. (Don't get boiled the tea leaves) Switch off the gas. Put finely sliced ginger and lemon in the hot water. Cover the pan and keep it in rest for 5 to 7 mins. All ingredients should be finely infused in hot water. For better taste, you can use 1/2 teaspoon of honey(completely optional).
  • it is very helpful in losing belly fat instantly within one week.
  • it is full of antioxidants.ani-inflammatory that slow down aging and make you younger ever.
  • It is the best option for better digestion.
  • It hydrates and nourishes your skin.
  • It improves your metabolic rate and helps in burning fat faster.
  Time to take:
Take this tea 1 cup regularly after 1 hour of your lunch. Drink this lukewarm for minimum15 days and give your feedback, please.
Thank you all.

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