Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Pasta is a very famous Italian dish. There are so many various recipes in kinds of pasta.
Today I will share with you my recipe of tomato pasta
Let's have a look at my recipe how today I cook tomato pasta :

  • fusilli pasta
  • garlic
  • carrots
  • onions
  • basil leaves
  • mint leaves
  • tomato puree
  • salt
  • black pepper
Process step by step:

        First, take a pan and pour 6 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of olive oil to boil pasta in it (as your required quantity).After boiling well strain the water and keep aside. 

     Take a pan and pour 2tablespoons of butter. When the butter turns hot put all the finely chopped garlic in it. Stir well and pour all the finely chopped carrots. Fry well until carrots become soft and then pour chopped onions in it and cook well. Then pour tomato puree in it and put one teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of crushed black pepper in it. Put chopped basil leaves and mint leaves in it. Mix well and pour one cup of water in it and cover it with a lid. After 5 mins put all the boiled pasta in it and 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce in it and mix well. Finally spread a handful of butter on it.

it's ready to serve hot.

  Thank you all.A lot of good wishes for all.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

#Easy Healthy Mutton soup recipe#

Hi Everyone,
Today is a rainy day. Today I try the very famous mutton recipe "Mutton Soup" I will share with you one of my favorite Mutton Soup recipesπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹.

      • Mutton 500grm
      • curd
      • whole garam masala(cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves) 
      • ghee
      • green chili
      • garlic
      • ginger
      • salt
      • turmeric powder

Process step by step:
                     First in a pressure cooker put one tablespoon of ghee and put whole garam masala in it and fry in oil. Then put whole garlic and chopped onion in it and saute for 1 min. Then put all the mutton pieces in it and 2 cups of water in it and wait for 2-3 whistles. Keep the cooker aside.
                      Take a Kadai and put 1 tablespoon of ghee and keep the gas in low flame put 2 tablespoons of curd in it and mix well. After mixing put 1 tablespoon of salt and turmeric powder and chopped green chilies. Stir well. In the next step strain all water from the cooker and separate all the mutton pieces. Put the pieces in Kadai and cook well for 5-7 minutes. After that, all strained mutton stock pour in it and keep boiling until the boil comes. Turn off the gas and put 2 tablespoons of butter on it and serve hot. It is here ready yummy mutton soup.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Instant healthy food idea #Weight Loss Food

Hi Everyone  

Today I share with you an instant healthy tasty food idea. If you are following a strict diet you can take this without any hesitation. Its a kind of healthy salad with some tangy taste.

  • cucumber
  • coriander leaves
  • lemon juice
  • black salt
  • red chili powder
  • green chili


First, cut the cucumber into pieces and chop the coriander leaves. Put the cucumber pieces on a plate. Sprinkle chopped coriander leave on it. Pour 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon black salt on it. Sprinkle a lill bit of chili flakes on it (you can use green chili chopped instead of it)and it is ready to eat. Here I take some mustard sauce with it.

This is a very option for your weekend morning dish and also mouth-watering for children also. Keep it in your healthy diet routine.
Thank you all.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Why should one eat kalonji in our daily diet everyday??

Hi Everyone,
 Today I will discuss with you the benefits of kalonji in our daily life. You will be strange hearing this important points that I highlight in this blog. One must keep it in his grocery list and use it in different ways in a daily diet. I will try to share some different ways to use it in your diet.

                    Kalonji has been used since ancient times for it medical values. Kalonji oil is also made from kalonji seeds to use in various cases. Kalonji oil used both in internal use in food and also for application purposes.
Let have a look in the benefits of Kalonji(Black Cumin Seed):

  • Heart Health: First of all it is an impeccable ingredient to keep your heart fresh. It makes heart health better. It has the power to retain your heart young. It has the ability to reduce the chances of a heart attack. So regular use of 1 tablespoon black cumin seed or kalonji in the regular diet helps to make it possible to be one step ahead of the rest in healthiness.
  • Digestion:  Kalonji seeds play a great role in digestion also. In our daily lives, we can't take any notice in our digestive capacity. Sometimes we have to take many medicines also to ease the digestion process. But when one uses kalonji in one's diet digestion becomes easier. So it helps to ease digestion, prevent to form gas in the stomach, and prevents bloating and stomach pain.
  • Allergies: Kalonji has been using from very ancient time in most of the kitchens to get it various medical values. It has an element of anti-allergic also. Regular use helps to decrease allergic symptoms.
  • Diabetics: Kalonji helps to maintain the sugar level. We refer to consult with Doctor first.
  • Skin: Kalonji is very popular in most of the kitchens. Kalonji can be used as an application for skin treatment also.  Kalonji helps to detoxify your skin and cures blemishes and pigmentation also. It has anti-bacterial properties and it helps to improve skin texture and also even out complexion also.
  • Hair: If anyone wants to make shiny and healthy hair throughout the year, the only way is to apply kalonji oil in hair 2-3 times a week. Kalonji oil is miraculous for growing and maintaining your hair health. Besides, regularly taking of kalonji seeds also improves your hair health also.

For skin application: first, grind the cumin seeds finely and make fine paste mix 1 tablespoon of raw milk and 1 teaspoon of honey in it. Apply on face and let it dry for 10-15 mins. Wash it with normal water. It helps to cleanse all impurities.
Thanks all.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Fat Burning green tea recipe /Homemade Weight Loss Tea/ Instant belly fat losing tea

Hi everyone,

               Today I will share with you a homemade weight loss tea. Nowadays I am using this recipe for instant losing belly fat and this is awesome. let's see how to make it.....


  •    water
  •    green tea
  •    ginger
  •    lemon

            Process step by step:

               First, take 2 cups of water in a Saucepan. Boil the water in a very high flame. After the bubbles came put one teaspoon of green tea in it. (Don't get boiled the tea leaves) Switch off the gas. Put finely sliced ginger and lemon in the hot water. Cover the pan and keep it in rest for 5 to 7 mins. All ingredients should be finely infused in hot water. For better taste, you can use 1/2 teaspoon of honey(completely optional).
  • it is very helpful in losing belly fat instantly within one week.
  • it is full of antioxidants.ani-inflammatory that slow down aging and make you younger ever.
  • It is the best option for better digestion.
  • It hydrates and nourishes your skin.
  • It improves your metabolic rate and helps in burning fat faster.
  Time to take:
Take this tea 1 cup regularly after 1 hour of your lunch. Drink this lukewarm for minimum15 days and give your feedback, please.
Thank you all.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Kesar Milk Tea/Kesari chai

Hi Everyone,

Today I am sharing with you everyone's favorite milk tea. Actually somewhere it is said that tea is India's national drink. Actually, tea is very famous in India. Billions of people drink tea in India. But when it is saffron special milk tea there is a question about it. I am sure most people will prefer this.

Ingredients: Let's have a look in ingredients.....
  • water                            
  • milk            
  • tea leaves
  • powdered sugar
  • cardamom
  • Kesar(saffron) 
Process step by step:
 At first, take 1 cup of water in a saucepan for two cups of tea and put 1 -2 pinch of Kesar in it. let it boil until the color and flavor come to you. Then pour 1 cup of pure milk in it and boil well. After that put 1 tablespoon of tea leaves in it until the comes properly. Then crush 2 to3 cardamoms and put it pan and let it boil. After boiling for 2 min let the switch-off of gas and mix 1 tablespoon of sugar(as your requirement). Strain the tea in cups and spread the Kesar well on it. It's ready to serve very hot.

Try this tea recipe in your kitchen and share this recipe with all. Enjoy it with your family. Thank you.

Curry leaves Tea/Kadi pata chai /Weight loss tea

Curry leaves tea

Hi everyone 

Today I am sharing one miracle tea recipe that keeps you younger forever. Curry leaf is ideal for your healthy skin and lustrous hair.
Cury leaves have also many more medicinal properties that keep people away from disease.

Let take a look at the recipe:

Ingredients :
  • fresh curry leaves
  • 2 cups of water
  • cinnamon
First, take 2 cups of water in a pan. Then put some fresh curry leaves in it. Let the water boil for 5 minutes or until the bubbles comes to rise. Then put a stick of cinnamon in it. It is optional. Then put the lid on of it. Wait for 10 minutes. Water becomes greenish in color. Then strain it and serve lukewarm. One can use honey but completely optional.

Benefits of Curry Leaves:

  • weight loss: it helps in weight loss very fast because it helps to increase your metabolic rate.
  • digestion: it helps to improve your digestion level or digestive system.
  • diabetics: it is a miracle for diabetics patients. It maintains your diabetics level well.
  • hair growth: it helps to care and nourish hair naturally. It's a great remedy for your daily hair related problems.
  • skin health: curry leaf is a good source of vitamins and minerals. So it is great to drink to consume. It makes your skin glowing and nourished.
  • mental health: it keeps your mood fully active and stress-free.

Curry leaves contain carbohydratesfibercalciumphosphorousirons,

and vitamins 
like vitamin Cvitamin Avitamin Bvitamin E, curry leaves help your heart function better and keeps you stress-free. It helps to make skin and hair health better.

it helps to grow hair rapidly and makes skin glowingYou can consume this early morning before for a minimum of 15 can see the value of it in our lives.

Thank you all.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Healthy Breakfast Vaji with Brown Bread/Yummy Breakfast

Hello everyone,

Nowadays we get bored with homemade eating food all the time. Today I am going to share a very tasty and delicious snacks recipe. We are getting very much annoyed with butter and bread every day. So today I share with all a vaji(kind of a veg thick soup )recipe that you can eat with brown bread also.

Let's take a look at the method ...

These are the ingredients that I will use today...


  • potatoes 
  • carrots
  • onions
  • garlic
  • green chilies
  • coriander leaves
  • cumin seeds
  • mustard oil
  • salt
  • turmeric powder(forget to show)
Process step by step:

 First, peel the potatoes and carrots and cut into small pieces and let it boil in a pressure cooker and wait for 3-4 whistles. When carrots and potatoes are boiled the rest ingredients onion, garlic, green chiles, tomatoes, and coriander leaves have to cut in very small pieces.
Then take a pan and pour 2 tablespoons of mustard oil let it hot then pour 1 full tablespoon of cumin seed in it and fry well. Whenever there is a smell of cumin, Put the garlic in it. After garlic then give all tomatoes in it and put the onions in it. keep stirring for 5 min and then put all the boiled potatoes and carrots in it.          

put one teaspoon of salt and turmeric powder in it as per your quantity.let stir for 5 min more and pour 1 cup of water in it until the boil comes to it. Finally, it is almost ready. Let switch off the gas and pour 2tablespoons of lemon juice and coriander leaves over it.

It is now ready to serve plz try this at home. One can eat it with pao and brown bread. I hope it is a healthy option for diet and also for children.
 Thank you all. Try this at home and also give feedback.


Monday, July 13, 2020


Hi Everyone 

     Today I cook a very popular and famous bangali recipe for you. This is my mom's famous Ilish posto (Ilish a very famous fish in Kolkata and Bangladesh). Seriously it is very tasty.Generally, this dish is served with a plate of hot rice. let's go to the steps...

ilish posto


Here I attach all ingredients pics for you.

  • illish fish (8 pieces)
  • turmeric powder
  • salt
  • black cumin seeds
  • yogurt
  • mustard oil
  • green chilies
  • mustard seed paste
  • poppy seeds
  • sesame seeds
Process step by step:
First, take 8 pieces of fish and wash them with fresh water. 
Then marinate with 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of salt. 
Then in a Kadai(pot for frying) take 4 tablespoons of mustard oil, hot the oil, and fry the pieces of fish nicely.
After frying put them out from Kadai.
Make a thick paste of poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and green chilies in a mixer grinder.
In that very oil in Kadai pour a tablespoon of mustard seeds and sliced chilies(7-8pieces)as per taste and fry. Pour that very paste into the pan and also 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder as required. Fry it in medium flame and then pour 2 tablespoons of yogurt into it and mix it well. 

After 5 mins pour 1 cup of water into it and cover the lid of the pan until the water begins to boil.When it starts to boil, keep the pieces of fish into it and again cover the lid for 5 mins.
OK, It's ready to serve. For a better taste pour 1 tablespoon of raw mustard oil into it.

Serve hot with hot rice and u can also add mashed potato in your plate. Try at your kitchen and kindly give feedback. Thank you all.


Sunday, July 12, 2020


Hi everyone,

Today I am going to share with you one of my favorite pickles recipe that is Lemon and chili pickle. In our country India there is the culture in making pickles and keep them drying in roofs and all the children of society make the jars empty hiddenly between 3 to 4 days.I am also one of them. πŸ˜…You can't believe it is just mouth-watering.πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
lemon chili pickle

  • lemons
  • green chilies
  • salt
  • turmeric powder
  • mustard oil
  • black cumin (kalonji)
  • fenugreek seed
  • fennel seed
  • dry red chilies


Process step by step: First cut the lemons into small pieces and also cut the green chilies into small pieces. Then give good mix.

Then pour a tablespoon of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of salt and then mix it well. After that dry roast all the spices that are red chilies, fenugreek seed, fennel seed, and black cumin seed together and grind in a mixie jar.

Pour the mixed spices powder into the bowl and mix well.
Then at the final step pour pure mustard seed oil as required into this bowl and mix and mix.

Now pour into a glass jar and keep it on sun rays for 3 to 4 days. It will be processed with sunlight. It is very tasty and tangy in flavor.

Benefits of this pickle: 
If you are not aware of the fact, I am going to tell the benefits of homemade pickles. The ingredients which are used for pickle are riched with a lot of vitamins and minerals. Besides pickle naturally is made with sunrays. So it is also full of vitamin d.
  • Indian pickles are full of antioxidant
  • it is very helpful for the good digestive system
  • some research says that pickle tangy flavor can swing our mood better.
  • Homemade pickles are also can improve one's immunity.
  • it is actually naturally preserved food so it is great for health.
Try this recipe in your kitchen.It is very tangy and healthy  also to consume  regularly  in your diet.Thank you all.


Hi  everyone, Pasta is a very famous Italian dish. There are so many various recipes in kinds of pasta. Today I will share with you my recip...